2022 yearend review: Enhancements to Simplify Your Law Practice
77 ~ 6.6/month
Improvements made to the simplest and most intuitive unified client communication and matter management portal as of Dec 24🎄
PrivyCounsel continues the mission forward to improve the health of your firm thanks for all the feedback and support in 2022.
Matter task assignments and dashboard
Appointments and calendaring
Client appointment reminders
Client portal enhancements
Simplification of user dashboard
Automated FAQ predictive search
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Analytics to help discover where improvements are needed
Itemized billing, timesheet, payroll, assignments, KPIs, and client referrals reports
In 2022 we also launched our recruiting with PrivyCounsel career page consider joining our team!
New Generation of Legal Professionals
In 2022, 38.3% of lawyers were female while 61.5% were male. In 1950 to 1970, only 3% of all lawyers were women
Estate Planning for Your Law Practice - What's your end Game?
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” - Albert Einstein
Measuring the Health of a Law Firm
“Most people use statistics like a drunk man uses a lamppost; more for support than illumination” -Mark Twain
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness… -Charles Dickens 1812 – 1870
Enjoy the journey